Seems it is time to refresh my travel blog, template and everything!
Calvin and I leave at 1:30 a.m. this evening/tomorrow morning for an 8-day trip to Nicaragua. Attached picture shows our rough itinerary: Managua --> Grenada --> Ometepe --> San Juan del Sur, with some stops along the way. My friend Sarah, as well as two of Calvin's roommates, have spent some time in Nicaragua, so they've filled us in on all the things we shouldn't miss. ATM has been visited, lists have been made, backpack has been acquired. Just have packing left to do and I'm off!
We have a really short layover in San Salvador, and, luckily, we're just in time for increased security measures. Apparently all sunscreen, toothpaste, and items of such consistency must now be in checked bags. Perhaps the luggage fairies will bless us and we won't arrive in Managua sin equipaje.

Note: All photos will be taken by Calvin, so that is why you might notice a marked improvement in my travel photography.
Picures! I demand pictures. And text! Text would be nice too.
Have fun on your trip!
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Both will be forthcoming...promise!
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